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Learn Modern Javascript by Coding a Snake Game
Getting Started
Installing Visual Studio Code & Node.js (1:39)
Node.js & Express
Getting started with Node.js & Express - Hello World! (6:36)
Express your inner HTML... (3:28)
Phaser 3 - Getting Started
Phaser - Back In Black (5:39)
Phaser - Our Main Scene (5:08)
Phaser 3 - The Snake
Phaser - Start the Snake (15:09)
Phaser - Snake Jerky (5:45)
Phaser - Patriot Snake (7:38)
Phaser 3 - The Apple
Phaser - Scrumping (9:17)
Phaser - Snake Bite (& black please...) (5:13)
Phaser 3 - Final Tweaks
Phaser - Die Snake Die (3:16)
Phaser - Snake Seriously Just Die (6:55)
Phaser - Never Going Back Again (3:34)
This is the End (1:08)
What is Node.js & why do we use it here?
Phaser - Patriot Snake
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