1 - Get Started Quickly!

CodeSandbox - https://codesandbox.io/s/snowpack-pixijs-0-76wuq

Github template - https://github.com/morganpage/snowpack-pixijs



Get up and running with pixi.js in 1 minute.

Learn the basics of pixi.js. In this video we will be using CodeSandbox and a template to get up and running in 1 minute.

Also we are using snowpack for near instant refresh after our code changes.

Pixi.js is a great choice for creating 2D games for the web. Less opinionated than Phaser and easier to use than WebGL, pixi.js is actually used by other game engines including Phaser.

This tutorial shows you how to draw a square and rotate it in the direction of the mouse cursor. This is a start of a series that goes on to create a horde style zombie game where the player has to fight off, you guessed it, hordes of zombies!

What's our vector, Victor?

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